
Friday, October 19, 2012

Switching Gears Cyclery

I recently was ask to paint a small mural inside the very awesome "Switching Gears" I was asked by Colin a guy that really know his stuff when it comes Bicycles, it was a learning experience for me I was expose to the world of cycling this is as big as the hip-hop culture! no lie, This mural took about 2 weeks of very very chill work I had a great time at one point I walked outside with the crew and chilled on the rain watching the Fair's fireworks, you cannot  that. Here is the outcome, A very special thanks to Switching Gears for their photos.


  1. I know that working on a ladder is killer on the feet, legs and back so PROPS on that cool mural Hatziel!

    1. And me being way out of shape also super drunk didn't help ether.
