
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

DFW Art Awards

I have 3 Nominations for The DFW Art Awards! but this awards cannot be possible without your votes so please go vote! They have a great collection of artists some of Dallas Best, win or lose I'm very proud to be a part of this list.

Vote here
Voting Ends 12-19-14

Friday, November 14, 2014

"The Real Queen of Hearts"

Life is a fragile and very delicate thing, a person once told me -"If all the oxygen in the earth was absent for even just 5 min most of life on earth would cease to exist!" in this very simple and short sentence he taught me about how fragile one's life really is, with that in mind I began to see the importance in never taking anything for granted and specially not the very important things that make the world a very incredible place -"The people"- motivating us, pushing us, to create, live, smile, hurt, and to really feel the worth in our hearts for this world. 

Eric was kind enough to allowed me to be a part of this incredible gift for a very special person, Happy Birthday Kerrie and Safe Recovery.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

DMA's "Artrageous"

Artrageous Art Silent Auction

Teen Art Silent Auction Benefiting Teen Educational Programs at the Dallas Museum of Art

 An Affair of the Art has been the city’s premier event for young professionals for the past two decades, raising more than $2 million for the DMA since its inception. Last year’s event was a record-breaking success—over 500 of Dallas’s young leaders attended the soiree, raising the funds to completely underwrite a year’s worth of teen educational programs at the DMA. Proceeds from this year's gala will again support programs for teens at the DMA, programs that fill an important community need by providing youth with creative ways to learn about and connect with art.

 To showcase the talents of teen artists, the committee would like to include a silent auction of works created by high school students in Pre-AP and AP Studio Art classes in DFW. Pre-AP and AP Studio Art students are invited to submit an original two-dimensional artwork to be considered for the silent auction. The final student works selected for auction will be chosen by a panel of art consultants, collectors, and a DMA curator.

Tuesday's Mix

The Blacklist Mural

You can see more here:  NBC.COM

Star Wars EP 1: Jedi Party

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"Sweet and Cold"

"Life Bring Beauty"

I was commission to create a very special anniversary gift, paintings can a very unique and special gift I believe it can rival jewelry, it will be one of a kind and will last for years even centuries just like jewelry. The first thing I did  was to create  a color pallet that would be the key element for this piece as they wanted to feel right with their main living area, once that was chosen I started working on the sketch to see size and composition, then no sleep for me until the job was finish, here is the out come. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

"Protecting Life"

 This is the second part of the collection of Roseanne, this time around I was asked to go into my inner mammal Roseanne mention she wanted to see a bear or a wild boar, I immediately ran with the bear (in my mind I put them to a fight and the bear dominated! I saw the StreetFighter Vs screen with all its glory but with awesome fatalities... it was great....lols) Sorry, So after sketching some stuff out I decided that it needed a counter animal to even the force of the Bear so I added a ferret would be a good choice adding a kindness to the piece, also to meet the last Skateboard evenly. This was my Concept and process for this Piece.

Skatedeck Series (The rest can be found here )